Pupil Premium Information
Our Pupil Premium (PP) allocation will be used to raise the standards of disadvantaged pupils across the school by:
• Continuing to improve their achievement in reading and writing in all year groups.
• Continuing to improve their achievement in maths in all year groups.
• Continuing to improve attendance and punctuality in all year groups.
• Increasing the participation of disadvantaged pupils in all aspects of the school’s wider curriculum.
Over the last two years, disadvantaged pupils in our school have been adversely affected by the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the lockdown periods, many disadvantaged & vulnerable pupils struggled with with their remote learning often despite the best efforts of their parents. As a result, the attainment gap between this group and their counterparts in most year groups has widened.
During the last two years, disadvantaged pupils have also had limited opportunities to engage in a wider range of learning. For example, in enrichment activities such as music, sport and a range of trips and visits.
Some vulnerable pupils have also struggled to re-engage in school life and it is vital that these pupils are supported in developing their social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs so that they can access a full curriculum in the future.