“Journeying together with Jesus Christ, we learn to love and love to learn.”
At St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, our bespoke knowledge-engaged curriculum is built upon the National Curriculum and has been designed to ensure all children achieve their full potential academic, spiritually and personally.
The curriculum provides a broad, global approach to learning that harbours and deepens the Catholic Social Teaching principles; dignity, solidarity, the common good, the option for the poor, peace, care for creation and the dignity of work and participation.
We aim to develop global citizens in a modern and world class system – children that are prepared for success in life, and that make positive contributions within their own community and on a global scale.
Every effort has been made to ignite our children’s love of learning through opportunities to excite, enrich and explore. The school endeavours to provide stimulating experiences that employ a variety of teaching strategies and an enrichment programme to help bring the curriculum alive.
We are a one and half form entry school which means the curriculum is taught across a two year cycle across most of the school. We call these cycles, Cycle A and Cycle B.
At the start of each academic year, your child’s teacher will provide a Curriculum Newsletter containing curriculum content and subsequent information will be provided termly.