Key Stage 2
Subject Statistic 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
School National School National School National Cohort School National
Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils achieving the expected standard 59% 65% 59% 59% 48% 60% 44 59% 61%
Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils achieving the higher standard 13% 11% 15% 7% 4% 8% 44 0% ~ 7%
Reading % of pupils achieving the expected standard 69% 73% 78% 74% 59% 73% 44 70% 74%
Reading % of pupils achieving the higher standard 15% 27% 24% 28% 7% 29% 44 23% ~ 28%
Reading Average scaled score 102.1 104.0 103.5 105.0 100.9 105.0 42 102.9 105.0
Writing % of pupils achieving the expected standard 82% 78% 67% 69% 63% 71% 44 61% 72%
Writing % of pupils working at greater depth 26% 20% 16% 13% 9% 13% 44 0% ~ 12%
Maths % of pupils achieving the expected standard 85% 79% 71% 71% 72% 73% 44 70% 73%
Maths % of pupils achieving the higher standard 28% 27% 27% 22% 17% 24% 44 9% ~ 23%
Maths Average scaled score 105.1 105.0 103.5 104.0 103.6 104.0 43 100.7 104.0
GPS % of pupils achieving the expected standard 74% 78% 78% 72% 74% 72% 44 75% 72%
GPS % of pupils achieving the higher standard 41% 36% 43% 28% 26% 30% 44 18% ~ 31%
GPS Average scaled score 107.1 106.0 105.8 105.0 104.3 105.0 42 103.8 105.0
Science % of pupils achieving the expected standard 87% 83% 70% 79% 65% 80% 44 64% 81%


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Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
Statistic 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
School National School National School National Cohort School National
% of pupils scoring full marks (25/25) 0% 5% 27% 22% 29% 45 60% ~ 34%
Average score (out of 25) 0.0 16.9 19.8 18.0 20.2 45 23.1 ~ 20.