In Nursery and Reception we follow the EYFS statutory framework by offering a balance of child initiated play activities and adult led tasks. Development Matters is used by teachers to support assessment and planning. Each week, staff plan a range of adult-led and play based activities; they enhance areas of continuous provision in the classroom to support the children’s next steps, interests and topic knowledge.


Children are provided with a range of rich, meaningful first-hand experiences in which they explore, think creatively and are active. Our curriculum has been carefully planned to ensure reading and speaking are at the centre of all we do.  Our curriculum maps out a progression of knowledge and skills in all areas of learning throughout our EYFS department and provides children with the foundations needed for our KS1 curriculum.

EYFS Curriculum Statement

Scheme of Work

Progression of Skills

Progression of Skills Nursery

Progression of Skills Caterpillars

Progression of Skills Reception