The school uniform approved by the Governing Body requires pupils to wear the following:
Winter Uniform: Autumn and Spring Term
Grey Skirt, tunic or pinafore dress, Grey trousers
Plain white blouse/Polo shirt
Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt
Black school shoes (No trainers)
Grey Trousers (long or short)
Plain White Shirt/Polo shirt
Royal blue sweatshirt
Black school shoes (No trainers)
Summer Uniform: Summer Term
Blue gingham dress (no long trousers)
Black school shoes (No trainers)
Plain blue or white polo shirt
Plain shorts in grey, navy or black, these must be trouser fabric
Black school shoes (No trainers)
It is essential that all the school uniform is marked clearly with the child’s name as the school cannot accept responsibility for loss of any articles of clothing.
Jewellery should not be worn to school. It is easily lost and can be a danger particularly in PE and craft activities and even at playtime.
Children with pierced ears should wear small studs, but even these can be dangerous at times. All earrings that dangle or are hoops are not permitted in school for the above reasons.
Children must not bring to school items of value such as mobile phones, computer games and similar items, unless an arrangement has been made with the class teacher.
The school cannot be held responsible for the security of these items.
Extreme styles of haircut and colour including shaved heads or styles incorporating logos are inappropriate for school.
For safety reasons shoes with a stacked heel or sole, or any form of high heels are not suitable for school.
The wearing of boots indoors is discouraged
- Pupils are asked to change into appropriate footwear on arrival during bad weather.
School uniform can be purchased from Debonair in Civic Centre and Online at Marks and Spencers. Second hand uniform can also be swapped or purchased at a uniform stall at the Summer Fun Day each year.
The link to the uniform at Marks and Spencer is:
M&S School Uniform
(Please select Cheshire, Lancashire and Greater Manchester)
The link to the uniform at Debonair Schoolwear is:
Debonair Schoolwear