Good attendance at primary school is vitally important for a good education. Children can arrive at school from 8.30am. The register is taken at 8.50am. It is therefore very important that your child attends school every day and is ready to start school at 8:50am.
The daily register for attendance is taken each morning and afternoon. Children arriving after 8:50am will receive a late mark. Children arriving after 9:30am will record an unauthorised absence for the morning session.
A telephone call is required from home on the first day of absence. Any unexplained absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
Absences, including holidays, in term time should be avoided and will only authorised for exceptional circumstances. All requests should be made by filling in the appropriate form available from the school office, or downloaded here
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please speak to Ms Brown, Miss Hayward or Mr Hemington